
A Strange Week

I thought that I might try to catch you up on our week, actually a couple of them. After Thanksgiving, on Monday I thought I would have a chance to "put the house back together." But Ben Bosma was here so the morning was spent with him - talking, driving him around to see where Craig would be working and some possibles for apartments that Craig had been looking at. Monday afternoon, Bob and Ben went sailing (a really relaxing time for Bob) and I did laundry and a little bit of housework. The rest of the week was reasonably normal, which at this time of year means concerts, parties, baskeball games, etc., pretty much every night.

Last weekend came and on Saturday, Bob was talking about his chest hurt. But it hurts most of the time because he has muscular-skeletal pain. However this time he said it hurt differently. That night we went to the lighted boat parade in Decatur, where we have our boat, and then had dinner on the boat with Sara and her friend Brigitte. Sunday was normal - church in the morning, lunch with Sara, we got our Christmas tree, and then the children's Christmas program at church with a soup and pie supper following. Afterwards his chest still hurt but we went to sleep thinking it might get better.

Monday, I was still planning to get the house back together but instead, Bob decided that he had better get his chest seen about. He called our doctor who told him to go to the emergency room. So we did . We were there from about 9:00 am until about 3 pm. No, I did not call any of you because I couldn't have told you anything. Sara called me and I told her and then Philip called to see how things were going. They did x-rays, blood work ups, an EKG, and finally a stress test. His heart is fine, at least from all of those tests. So we went home. Later in the week, he went to our doctor who is trying him on a strong acid reflux medicine to see if that may be the problem. Then tomorrow he goes to the doctor for another set of blood tests.

Monday night we watched a 1930's movie with Jimmy Stewart. I was thinking that we used to watch old movies and how long it had been since we just sat and did nothing - no computers on the laps, no knitting in my hands - just sitting and relaxing. I think we have forgotten how to do that. We have watched several Christmas movies this week after evening activities, and it has been fun and relaxing.

Tuesday was a work day. Wednesday, I was sick and in bed all day. That was strange but by Thursday I was okay and feeling better as the day went on. Then the rest of this week, we have had something every night. I still don't have the house put back together yet. Maybe Monday - but I'm not counting on it!!! I might even get to write thank-you notes and get the out-of-town Christmas presents sent! We did get the tree put up yesterday (Saturday) and the lights on it. Bob got the outside lights up sometime last week but we are so late this year. Tonight is the choir concert. Yesterday morning we had breakfast with the Neves and then I went home with them to work on the music since I had missed Wednesday night choir.

We have had really heavy rains this week. The river is in our back yard again but not quite up to under the deck as it was two years ago. Then earlier in the week, we had spring-like weather and last night it was freezing! Hard to keep up!

Since I have not communicated much this week, I thought I would catch you all up at once. I hope you are all well. We have prayed for each of you for various things this week and are enjoying seeing how God is working in your lives.

I better go and get Bob his breakfast so that I can get ready for church. It is a beautiful day - starting out cold but supposed to be in the 50s.

Much love

1 comment:

mamaillmani said...

This is a great idea for keeping up family information, I think. It will replace the weekly letters I tried last year and maybe give us a place for knowing each other's concerns and prayer requests.