
More Ramblings

Today is Monday and I get to stay home! We are having company for dinner tonight so I'll be getting ready for that but I can clean house, do laundry, and work on the retreat I am doing this weekend (prayers will be appreciated). Ship Captain and I are getting over colds so a day at home is much appreciated.

Work on the new campus is moving along quickly. In fact, the graders are about a month ahead of schedule. More money for the next things (sewers, lights, etc.) is needed more quickly. SC will be flying out on Friday for a day trip to do some fund raising. For him, it's a combination praise and pressure.

We may be starting a study in our home on Saturday nights again. SC is getting frustrated that people are not thinking about deeper things so that when they read The Da Vinci Code, they don't think it's a big deal. So I am reading it to be able to discuss it more intelligently. Also one of the men in the church has been defending the New Perspectives on Paul, so we will probably get into that also.

After looking around at other churches, Alto Boy, (remember he lived with us during the summer of 2003) has decided to join our church. He will be included in the study and is already talking about how he can use his gifts.

Tomorrow night we are having Digger (who is more than welcome to change this name if he chooses) and Sundust over for dinner. Yesterday was Digger's birthday so we will celebrate it with them then. I'm even going to try a new recipe!

I shall close for now with more ramblings later.

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